But often people have difficulties finding their vision. She believes that the individual vision need to be so deeply fulfilling that it includes a vital mortal self, but also goes beyond and is rooted in the beauty of immortal qualities guided by a pure divine spirit. Atonka invites you to polish your dream - to make the dream so deeply fulfilling that it resonates magnetism in your entirety. By loving the Life you radically choose to live. - Harmonious with the forces of Natures, Law and Order itself.

I have a dream of an illuminated, sustainable human family on Earth. One that lives in harmony with Nature and all Lifeforms in Creation. ~ Atonka


Say YESSSS! Keep awakening, be clear of your knowledge and your wisdom, be courageous in your truth. Speak with love and deliver with grace and soft eyes. Simply make use of your gifts - of your true nature. Spread and share it widely. So far that it has the capacity to touch deeply. Stay noble and humble for a divine culture to rise and blossom. Keep brighten your original spirit. Keep loving, keep growing and expand your courage. Listen deeply to the voices of our children and act and share with a heart so very wide open that it never needs to expect anything in return.

Keep manifesting humbly until your dream is completed - that is more then enough.

A deep desire penetrates Atonka’s passion in helping grow love and a bright future throughout all of her creations. She believes…… that everything has movement, circulation, integrity and immunity in this world. She encourages everybody to polish there dream until you find sincere circulation with all of creation, To never give up the sensation of a powerful will, the feeling that resides beyond the mind, but is part of the mind. To build, soulful creations that are deeply rooted in everyday living and go far beyond our past and immediate future.

May you always remember why you are here on Earth, and to focus on just that. ~ Atonka

I share with you - Because I believe in YOU