- A completely free being. Seeing Atonka's body move is a expression of her freedom and divinity itself.
- Atonka is a human reminder and guide to beyond. JF, Chicago
- Atonka is a gifted teacher in her own right, and you can even say, her life is a teaching itself. C.M. zurich
- A deep desire penetrates her passion in help awaken a humanity of oneness. ~
- You share such deep insight, tearing open the surface, finding the unseeable, even the unknowable, through the lenses of perception,
reaching deep into the psyche beyond human limitation. Well done! Love. Stanley.
- Atonka is a creator with a heart of a healer. Her seamless creativity offers a collective energy for the betterment of the heart of life. ~ GM, San F.
- She is like ancient living lifeforce revealing anew. Atonka helped us re-connect and find the guidens within. RM, Zurich
- Whenever I received your art drawings, I felt something that I have to do with you for a beautiful cause. Master Keum Dao, AZ
- Atonka's abilities, enter the cellular structure, of what she called, the Lotus time cell. She synchronizes movements into a liquid garment of consciousness, where one speaks the language of nature. If another speaks the language of nature, her work is like holding up a clear mirror, reflecting deeply into your heart. A tender understanding, where life becomes imperative to create a body of work. ~
- Atonka is boundless love, pure life force mother essence, endlessly giving to create new life. ~ MS, AZ
-The demands of the everyday world leave most of us exhausted and scattered. Yet in the midst of it all is a Stillness which is forever untouched. My experience with Atonka was an opening to that Stillness. A revitalization which is deeper then the mind has words for. It is clear to me that Atonka has a gift, which goes far beyond techniques. Zion is imbued with a presence which touches all. This presence is the work of Atonka. Tom Richland. WA
- Atonka is a enlightend soul, whose path is to help recover the feminine qualities in all of us. ~ JF, Chicago
- Purity, beauty and goodness guides her way. CEO, credit suisse, Zurich
-You bring the light of absolute perfection to earth, with particular focus in Zion, Heaven's temple on Earth. You ground your work, in all the mountains of the earth, especially those that are snow-capped, representing the light of Almighty Creator. You are a lightning rod to ground the pure light of Home. Beyond words and identity. Thank you for being of this world. R.R., NC
- I love the image of you sewing light, weaving beauty into the world with every movement of your body and breath. Thank you Atonka. ~ LD, San Francisco
- A nurturing Mother with a golden body. Her seamless endurance seem to give life after life. ~
- Atonka lives in harmony with the spirit's of Nature. She is a good teacher, because she is a good student. Kenneth Cohen, CO
- Thank you. You are such a gift of infinite boundless purity grounded In Truth of Being. LA
- Listen ......... and she will show you her ways. Jonathan, Springdale UT
- After years of learning to sense and direct energy through our martial arts studies, we have found nothing that focuses it as well as the techniques that we learned in your class. Working with you was a remarkable experience. You considerably helped us to understand our own small skills in aiding healing, and how we might learn to expand them and learn to heal ourselves as well. Darin and Melinda, Tucson AZ
- Atonka walks the earth plan sharing her divine healing love and wisdom, for the good of all. Thank you, LeeAnn Dzelzkalns
- You walk in Beauty ~ grandmother
- Truly, you are The Divine Life Particle Mother essence in this World. I am here to serve and support you for the better world and humanity. CSN, Phoenix
- Atonka is a rare beauty, we are not always able to receive the gifts of her work. CU, Sedona, AZ
- Coming to Zion, for me, was a vision quest. Possibly to help me answer some of my deepest questions.... to become one with nature. I first needed to become one with myself. The private session with you helped , do just that. The actual session put me in a state of deep harmonized relaxation. I felt very light afterwards and was in a state of peace and tranquility. It made may stay in Zion, the journey through the Narrows, more inspired and rewarding. Bill, Hempstead, NY
- I am feeling so wonderful! I feel at peace, I feel I know myself, I have found patience without frustration. Every day I look out at the mountains, or at the tress and I feel "it" - Wow so incredible...so big and so small at the same time. Unzipping myself and what i see comes to me, or is already there... My future is open wide. I want to thank you for being such a great guide, to feel what I was looking for and how I needed to show myself, to know how to show me myself, and how to show me how to feel, who I am, who everything is. I get it!! Thank you so much!!! Lynn, Tucson AZ
- Tonight was INCREDIBLE. You shine in that sacred space of the Alchemy of all you are imparting to us. Thank you so much, we will be there again. M & H, Zion
- We are grateful beyond measure, beyond words,for the support (on so many levels) you have given us. Luci and Eric, Utah
- Atonka harmonizes life with BEAUTY, LOVE & WiSDOM.~
- You are such a sparking gem of soul manifesting through your embodiment to your fellow human brothers and sisters
- even just only witnessing the holy and sacred space you hold for Massimo to become and unravel his truth and being a teacher for us all, is a testimony to the greatness of your path and soul crystallization, thank you for choosing to be you. Cinzia
- I am learning from you to appreciate more. Chun, Arizona
- It is just absolutely breathtaking what you are creating, an entire library of wisdom consciousness accompanied by the most sacred lyrical elegance and beauty of design. Portraits of light, poetry of light, stories of light, songs of light, colors of light, threads of light, weavings of light, pure consciousness, the alchemy of spirit and matter. I am so wowed by what has been coming through you. Your soul is an artist of immaculate divine grace, power, and purity of immortal divine radiance. I honor every atom and cell which is communicating the language of light to the world. You are teacher of light, weaver of light, artist of light, code carrier of primordial light of origin. Rarest, purest, adamantine diamond creator essence amazingly managing to stay in form to deliver freedom to the planet. Rael, NC
- Thank you for sharing yourself so generously, from the heart. I am beyond honored. Scout Wilkins, UT
- Your authentic sharing invites me to an elevated experience within my Self. P. Kober, Wisconsin
- Thank you Atonka, i feel you truly understand love and life. ~ Grandmother
- I read your Life-Death opus many times. I am impressed by your deep insight into the unknown, your sensitivity to what is beyond this world, your ability to ariculate your observance with clarity. You made Life-And-Death into Oneness. What you have taught and shared with me has been deeply meaning full. I appreciate your kindness and patience with one who can no longer fully function. 92 year old Taoist Stanley
- Nothing ever seems separate from her, yet she looks forward. For she is One with the future, present and past.
- Your writing, your thoughts, your philosophy, your poetry have opened up for me the other side of the unknown, the eventual destination. 93 year old Taoist Stanley